Friday, January 15, 2010

Kano - Rune of Opening

Ah - Kano - the exact perfect Rune for me, as I finally have arrived at our new life here in Denver. Kano speaks to the morning of activities with clear intent, the renewing of goals and things falling into place, and things opening up with clear light shining on what had been dark areas.
I can use Kano right now, and as we settle into this new place, although there is stress, I am learning to trust, and take the gifts I have with gratitude.
It is all work -- learning to transmute our negativity into love is our gift we give to the world.
The hard stuff? I am working on making it into good stuff . . . .
Blessed Be!

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” – Lao Tzu

["En resa på tusen miles måste börja med ett enda steg."]


  1. Hi Em - how are you! Yay you are feeling settled in Denver. Great news. I have saved your address on my computer, so expect a parcel from me in the next few weeks. I haven't forgotten your kindness, nor your great generosity. The latest journal page also looks like you're in fine form in Denver!

  2. Thank you for your note. Thank you for your support.
    Jenny :)
