Friday, January 22, 2010

Eihwaz - Rune of the Yew Tree

Eihwaz speaks to the time we are to remain dormant before change occurs. Obstacles in our path can seem like mistakes, problems, or curses. But when we slow down, we build up patience and wisdom. Eihwaz counsels that this is a time to wait for the spring of water to fill, to wait for the fruit to ripen on the tree.
I have been quite discombobulated with our cross country move, our job stress, starting a 9th grader in a new school, a more frugal budget, and even my health has been under the weather.
But today, the Rune I pulled counsels me to wait; to draw on the strength of a bow of yew, that there is no need to lust after a desired outcome, simply to Trust.
I woke up at 2 A.M. this morning, unable to sleep. My first response to kill time in the middle of the night was to surf the web - looking at artists' blogs, workshops, others' journals. I felt stuck. Then I realized - my worktable had my computer on it. So instead of grabbing a journal, I had unthinkingly just turned on the computer.
Wrong thing to do.
I rearranged my whole work surface in the middle of the night - all the computer stuff went to my "office" desk, and I dedicated the work table only to the journals and art supplies.
I arranged the pens in a nice row, covered the bare wood in smooth plastic mylar, put within easy reach my stamps, paints, watercolors, and the piece de resistance -- set up the sewing machine on the end of the table.
Now I can SEW images onto the pages - something I have always meant to do, but never got around to.
I am working on a one day journal project - last night I set up the pages with watercolor and some sewed images, and tomorrow we have a craft day at the new church.
We are called to bring unfinished projects to work on all day, and share our work.
YES! This is the perfect introduction for my journals to my new congregation.
I hope to lead another creative journaling group here and this is my chance to demo this work.
I plan on taking photos of the journal's growth throughout the day - so come back soon to see a photo essay on the One Day Journal.
So true that all the stress of my life falls away when I get excited about this work, when I get to make new pages and share them.
Journaling really is healing.
and see in this page I did last night if you can spot the sewing:

"Be willing to lose everything to gain the things that really matter in life, the things of the spirit which are from everlasting to everlasting. A whole new world is unfolding; remember to give constant thanks for everything." --Eileen Caddy

["Wees bereid om alles te verliezen om de dingen te doen die echt belangrijk in het leven."]


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This is a neat idea. I've never really gotten into Runes, or Tarot, because I just couldn't get a feel for it. Always wanted to but never did get into those kinds of divination. But this is a neat idea, an interesting way to learn about them. I think I'll try this.
