Monday, June 20, 2011

The Book!

Volume Two of my book, Art Journal Pages is now available:
180 full color collage pages from my own Visual Journals for inspiration, instruction, enlightenment, and just fun. When you are stuck in your own visual journaling process, just open this keepsake book, and after a few pages, you will be running for your own papers, inks, pens, and photos, and be right back in touch with The Muse.

This link can show you how to order, and provide a full color preview of the whole book, you can see lots of my journaling pages all in one place on-line, (and you might even decide to purchase the book so you can flip though these pages while you ride the train to work, or wait in the doctor's office, or sip tea in bed, or while waiting for inspiration in the coffee shop . . . )
Visual Journal Pages

and thank you for the well wishes and positive thoughts while I am healing, and thank you for supporting the ARTS and especially the Art of Visual journaling.

"Create beauty. Give everything you have to creating. No matter what you have to do to get by each day, never stop creating. If it is an actual art form, you will likely master it. But if it is just how you live, you'll be very alive and far happier."
--J. Bruce Wilcox

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