Monday, July 13, 2009

UPDATE on Et Studio - more journaling pages to come.

Until I can get journaling pages uploaded, here is an update from the studio:

I had the good fortune to visit some amazing places in June.
First was Breitenbush Hotsprings in central Oregon, where I will have a solo show of my Mushroom Collages at their annual Mycology Festival in October. Mushroom experts from around the world come to share science and ideas about this amazing family in the plant kingdom, so I am honored to be included in this work.
I was then lucky enough to be able to take a Nature Spirits Shamanism course with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies on Mt. Shasta in Northern California.

Finally, with my husband, mom, and youngest daughter, I drove the Ring Road around Iceland for a glorious ten day journey during the Solstice. We were within a few miles of the Arctic Circle, so the sun never set. It was a magical experience I will never forget, with many views of glaciers, rainbows, waterfalls, and countless Icelandic sheep and horses in the very green landscape. Having studied Viking Runes, it was a treat to actually go to a Viking Festival and see some of the old ways reinacted.
Some photos are here if you would like to see more:

Other news is that the end of July, I will be selling my work at SpiralHeart Camp in southern Pennsylvania. Look for journaling pages about this wonderful experience in the blog early in August.

The first issue of Creativity Cafe should be out the beginning of September - so thank you for your subscription order if you already subscribed, and if not, I will be sending out another ET Studio update when the magazine goes to print so you won't miss out.

Our lives are in transition now, as we face decisions about our future in this uncertain time, but my art and my Shamanic work continues to keep a solid foundation under me -- I hope and pray you also feel supported in this changing landscape.

bright blessings,

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