Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day 5 - Art Retreat

Today's theme - Heal the Planet -- Heal the Self.
It's really all how you see things - I am here in Denver dog sitting for my brother who just got married in Chiang-Mai Thailand (see some great wedding photos here) . . . I just walked all over his yard picking up dog poop, and last night I spent a sleepless night with two large dogs continually jumping on me to go out. So I could say I am doing pretty low level work,
OR I could say I am on an art retreat - which I am.
I am using this time to catch up on all my reading, make tons of journal pages, regroup and re-assess what and why I am here.
I know I want to do healing work - on myself, on my family and friends, on the planet.
I know my art is what I seem to be good at and what pleases me and feels like my calling.
Putting those two things together is the trick.
I like to think of myself as an arts activist - trying to use my art to make this world a bit better, and I believe in this as my purpose.
I also know that one powerful image can change the world - think of the Shepard Fairey Poster of Obama with the word "HOPE" that went around the globe and helped (maybe) get our new President in place.

So today, even though I had to pick up lots of dog poop, I am where I should be, and I am grateful to be here, helping in one small way.

1 comment:

  1. human mind can do so many amazing things..your art is unique and entertaining..and the best part of find extreme pleasure in your art.
