Thursday, December 11, 2008

the dancing star is YOU

My life is so chaotic - and the day spent in the city yesterday sure reinforced it.
But even in the shoppers and noise and chaos and honking cabs and pushy Manhattenites, there were moments of such clarity - I sat in the lobby of 590 Madison Avenue, looking at a Jean Arp Pop sculpture, and a nice woman sat down next to me and starting sketching.
Yes, we talked and yes, we had lots to talk about - anyone who sketches in NYC is someone worth talking to.
and I did some shopping, mostly chocolaty type stuff because that's all I wanted to carry around.
My face is almost back to normal, so no one seemed to stare, and after work, my husband and I even managed to stop in a swanky bar for a drink and saw Vin Diesel (or someone who looked just like him).
THEN I had to drive my son to the airport at 3 A.M. very very sleepily, and my to-do list for the next few weeks just seems impossible, but I will make sure I get some studio time. I have learned without studio time, I turn into an evil grinch, and no one wants that.
and the funny thing about the Nietzsche quote at the end of this entry - I never before considered that the dancing star is ME. . . . I always thought it was something else.
We are our best creation. . . . imagine that!

"You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star." --Friedrich Nietzsche

1 comment:

  1. Doing chocolate shopping in Manhattan is the best. It is truly a wonderful quote.
