Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope today if you are a mother you are well celebrated.
I hope if you have a mother you can celebrate, that you get to do that either in person with her, or with a phone call or e-mail to tell her what she has meant to you in your life.
I hope that today I can remember all mothers who make sacrifices and have dreams and look to the future with their lives and actions and make their children the most important accomplishment they ever have.
Today - may you feel the blessings of love in your life.

and these are the little pages from my traveling journal I showed you yesterday on the page in the big journal where they now live.

and on this Mother's Day - join me in thinking of all the mothers in Myanmar who need our help and consider donating to the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee:

UUSC has a long track record of outstanding disaster relief where other excellent charities may have failed. The have established partnerships with native relief organizations and have infrastructure already in place, able to receive and distribute aid. As I understand it, they target their work at reconstructing the essential local services, reestablishing their basic framework and structure, essential for longer term survival.

Here is the website:

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