Tuesday, May 6, 2008

collage, then words

I have been having so much fun with digital collage.
Yesterday the birds were singing and it was a glorious day - so I first made a collage using photoshop with trees and birds and colors.
I printed it out spread across two pages and spray mounted it in my journal.
Then the fun began.
I sat outside on the deck and spread lots of wonderful markers around me.
I doodled and colored and wrote over the collage.
Just working outside is so wonderful.
Sometimes, I do the collage part inside with the papers and glue and all the messy materials - then the journal can travel to be written in. Visiting coffee shops is another field trip the journal likes to take.
My journal gets around!
It sort of is honoring the writing portion of journal keeping - taking it to a place with atmosphere. Sitting and writing with thought. I am still reading the Anais Nin diaries - and she sometimes traveled with her journal as her travel companion - she writes of going to Morocco with no other goal than to write in her journal.
Our journals can accompany us anywhere - and they should!
Happy Journaling today - try taking your journal on a date!


  1. You inspire me to get my journals back out. They have been neglected for a few months lately.

  2. I enjoy the design aspects of the binding sortof coming to life on it's own then the bird's looking at each other to bring it back together. and words are an added bonus! Great collage!!

  3. I love this spread! Very inspirational. Hmmm...now where is my art journal? (:

  4. Glad you came by for a visit to my site. Love your birds on your journal page.
