Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday Musings

Things I like:
* French menus, stamps, papers, museums, Paris
* sweet potato fries
* really good coffee
* bed
* how I feel after I work out (not during.)
* cutting paper, gluing it down, adding some paint and markers, scanning this and then playing with it in photoshop, printing again and adding yet more paper and markers
* layers, layers, layers
* a great book - and it is so sad when it ends
* when the recycling gets picked up
* my red bike
* the idea of adventure travel
* sharing all this with artists from around the world, and hearing their feedback, knowing we can learn and grow from each other!

"People who are not artists often feel that artists are inspired. But if you work at your art you don't have time to be inspired." --John Cage

1 comment:

  1. Hello lovely Aunty Em! Just read your quote of Eileen Caddy's - I love that woman, and everything to do with Findhorn! Oh thank you sweets for stopping on by. How many years is it now since I said I would post that box of goodies to you? Well, next month I'll do it. I've made it my resolution for the new year!
    Anyway, loving all this gorgeous collage work and photoshopping! Mmmmm sweet potato fries...yum. Real nice with sour cream!
