Wednesday, August 25, 2010

struggles = blessings

My 15 year old is right now on a 4 day wilderness backpacking trip with her new high school and is up at 12,000 feet, probably pretty cold and damp.
and that does worry me a bit.
but challenges are what help us to grow, so I know this is a great experience for her.
It is hard not to complain, whine, gripe, to be freaked out and discombobulated by our struggles . . . yesterday I spent the day in my co-op art gallery and it is always a time I love because I meet people from all over the country who have wandered into cute little Georgetown, Colorado on their way to somewhere else.
I get to hear about lots of interesting things in others' lives, and sometimes I hear of great struggles as well.
We all, each of us, have our own pocket-full of difficulties, and our own bowl-ful of blessings.
It's which we choose to focus on that defines how happy we are.

"Forget about the consequences of failure. Failure is only a temporary change in direction to set you straight for your next success." --Denis Waitley

1 comment:

  1. So glad that you're playing along at Journal Party Monday at Autumn's Antics! I hope you meet lots of new faces. :) Your pages make me want to make art today! I am rearranging (or making a mess) in my studio today, so no play for me. Hope yours is a creative day!
    Autumn Clark
