Thursday, February 25, 2010

Finding your purpose . . . .

I was listening to a Michael Stone interview with Duane Elgin, (you can listen to it here) yesterday, and Mr. Elgin said something that really struck me.
That most of us have something we can do well, that world might even pay us well for, but underneath there is often our truer soul work.
The work that when we do it, we just know we are following our truest path. This work usually takes courage and a bit of blind faith, often it is not a path that is well designed by the economics of the world. Often it is a path that would require great sacrifice from us.
Always the results are monumental, although they might not be monetary.
He said that in this changing time, more and more of us are hearing this call, and as we do, the authenticity of our voice will help others decide to also follow this path.
He is most known for his book "Voluntary Simplicity" which shows us that more is not always best, and that unchecked growth is not sustainable.
It is easy to know all this, but actually doing it is not so easy, walking the talk, as they say.
I find even with my strong convictions for consuming less and recycling more, I sometimes throw way too much in the trash, buy things I don't need, and want more than I can afford.
I drive places I could walk or bike, I get fooled by media that I need to go see that movie or go eat out to feel good.
It is so easy to get off track in a world designed to make us spend and consume.
I also had the privilege yesterday of doing a shamanic journey for a friend who wanted to explore the nature of addiction.
The information I received was so powerful - the simple message that balance in all things is what we need.
If you are hungry, eat.
If you are thirsty, drink.
If you are tired, sleep.
and if we do all this with intention and awareness, we can't go wrong.
If your true soul work calls you, move toward that.
See where it takes you.
You might not have to quit a job or sell a house.
You might just feel in the perfect flow of your own inner journey, and this inner journey might start helping you make choices for the outer journey.
You might not have to radically change your life . . . . yet.

Vocation is not so much an occupation or profession, but the place where your great gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet." --Frederick Buechner

["Poklicanost - kraj, kjer vaš velikim veseljem in svetu globoko lakoto izpolnjujejo."]

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