Thursday, October 29, 2009

not much journaling time

I have not had much time with my journal lately - I was in Portland, then Breitenbush, Oregon for a mushroom festival where I showed my mushroom collage paintings and enjoyed some beautiful hikes in the woods learning about mushroom foraging, and some lovely hot springs soaks.
Lots of photos are here at my Facebook page:
Photos of Mushrooms and More

I am starting to organize and pack for our move to Denver, so please bear with me as I get my life moved across the country. I promise there will be much journaling to come! And I hear there is lots of snow there already, to greet us as we head West.

My mom celebrates her 80th birthday next week, so to honor her just a bit, enjoy this photo collage of the two of us:

"The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age." --Lucille Ball


  1. Gosh, Emily! I LOVE this digital collage! How fun!!!

    I hope life is treating you well during this move.

    Sending you hugs!

  2. Thank you, Emily, for stopping by my blog! I felt honored that you did....Wishing you peace in an otherwise chaotic time....

