Thursday, March 26, 2009

Planning Goals

Secret 12 of the 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women bookgroup is about achievement.
Well, it actually is about planning.
I plan and plan, but sometimes something else seems to happen.
I am pretty good at plans, not so good at seeing things to the very end.
I did appreciate the advice in this chapter to be clear -- to have very clearly stated goals, and an idea how to follow through to make it become reality.
One difficult part of the whole process for me is putting the work up for sale -- the word "marketing" is really really hard for me -- well, not so much the word as the action. I just can't focus on it.
It implies money and money isn't something that I want to be motivated by.
I loved the encouragement and motivation and mostly, the information to be clear about my path, that I learned about in this book, but there are more secrets that remain undiscovered and a bit unexplored for me:
**The secret of finding a blissful reality apart from "worldly" (i.e. monetary) success.
**The secret that life sometimes does not offer what we ask for, but learning to accept what we do get with gratitude.
**The secret that the creativity is itself the gift, and we might not get the world to pay us in money or attention for following our own personal bliss.
The 12 Secrets we learned gave me some great inspirations, and certainly meeting so many cool and creative and amazing blogging women in this bookgroup was an awesome gift.
I thank you all for visiting - and sharing in your own words how to be successful, creative women -- and a special thanks to Jamie Ridler for orchestrating this lovely collection of creative voices.

and in this journal page - my lovely daughter in NYC through my water glass with some funky collage because life is to celebrated - Collaga-palooza style!:

“There are only three things women need in life: food, water, and compliments.”
Chris Rock


  1. That photo of your daughter is wonderful!

    Sometimes trying to make money out of one's art kills the fun... it depends a lot on why one is making art in the first place. If its as a career then a money focus is essential, but if its for self-expression, self-development or numerous other reasons then money may not be even vaguely part of the path (except to have enough to buy supplies of course!)

    So the question is do you want to sell your work or not?

  2. Love the photo of your daughter and I love your outlook on art and life. It's been great getting a glimpse of you in the past three months.

  3. I love the journal page! It just swirls with celebration!

    I have the same issues with creativity and money and motivation. I think the secrets you bring up are incredibly powerful -truly. I think when we start there, the rest follows.

    love and light

  4. Yeah we made it to the 12th secret! I hear ya, I too find it hard to sell my work or even to put a price on it.

    This creative journey sure did fly by.

    {soul hugs}

  5. That is a lovely post, i am lagging way behind on the 12 secrets project but enjoying everyone's posts that inspire all kinds of different thoughts.
    Thanks for sharing and good luck with your plans.

  6. It was a fun ride and I enjoyed sharing it with you! I will keeping visiting you :)

  7. The whole money issue can throw you into a tailspin. However you can create for the joy of creating and make money as well.You shall figure it out. I so enjoyed this road trip with you, the book may be over but hopefully not our journey 2gether.

  8. what a stunning journal image of your daughter!

    Yes, i think that if we can separate creating and money, we might be better off until the moment before we decide to sell something. Does that make any sense?

    It's been wonderful reading and learning about your life. Hope to keep in touch!
