Thursday, February 26, 2009

more journal collaboration

So I had to show you one more page from my charming talented friend Laurel, with whom I work on an art journal collaboration.
Two little journals get to fly back and forth across the country, and when we are done, one will live here on the East Coast with me and the other will live there on the West Coast with Lovely Laurel . . . .
I am jealous of all the travel these little books get to do -- would that I could be packaged and mailed around the world so easily as bits of paper.

See more of Laurel's work here:
and you can also read her BLOG

"I’d been reading McEwan that morning on the late John Updike in The New York Review of Books. He quotes Updike describing the facts of life as 'unbearably heavy, weighted as they are with our personal death. Writing, in making the world light — in codifying, distorting, prettifying, verbalizing it — approaches blasphemy.'
But what beautiful, what necessary, blasphemy!"

--Roger Cohen in the New York Times

1 comment:

  1. Blushing here ;)

    Thanks for sharing a few of my pages. They pale in comparison to yours...but you've taught me that's not what it's about.

    Thanks for being on this journey with me!
    I hope you're well.
