Sunday, June 15, 2008

YOU are worth it.

Today - just ignore the dishes and the laundry, the bills to be payed and the things you "need" at the store.
Ignore the voice that tells you your art isn't worth it.
Ignore the voice that tells you that your story is that you are NOT an artist.
Ignore the voice that tells you you need to earn more money, to be responsible and be an active participant in the game of money making.
Just be in the sunny (rainy?) space of your life.
Look at a tree or a flower and see the peace in it.
Get some paper.
Get some juicy markers.
Get some ink.
have some fun on paper or in your book.
Add some words that express what you need to say today.
Your ideas deserve this space.
YOU deserve this space.
The Universe wants to hear what you have to say!

1 comment:

  1. Were you reading my mind yesterday?!?! I wish I had come to read your blog yesterday when I was feeling all this way -- but in retrospect, I think it's a good thing I'm reading it today. Because I can "hear" you so much better! thank you ♥
