Monday, April 21, 2008


This page started with a digital collage.
The image on the left is the collage - I printed it out and added it to my journal.
Then, the words.
I usually add color to help create mood.
and I love to let the words have beauty, shape, pleasing scale and color.
Juicy markers are so essential for me to enjoy the journaling process.
I am a marker junkie.
and a color junkie.
and a shape and image junkie.
Okay - I love making messes.
and although I want the words to be authentic and mined directly from my subconscious intuitive right brain, I do notice that when I slow down and write with care, I love the way the words look.
and hopefully, loving the way they look makes me like what they say.
and even if I don't like what they say - I have honored the words I write with color and shape and design.
I really love alternating lines of large and small writing, and then adding color to the words.
and I do think creative journaling needs to be about honoring the effort and time we put into this process.
making it pleasing.
Yes, even the MESS can be pleasing!
Organized Chaos - sort of like my life.
Happy Journaling!

(you can click on the picture to see it larger, and as always, I love reading your comments.)

1 comment:

  1. another great journal page! Your writing style always adds so much visually. It's delicious! I've given you an award for your blog. See my post so you can pass it along!
