Monday, March 31, 2008


I know that yesterday I told you to make a mess.
Making a mess takes courage - so today - your reward is that you get to make something neat and tidy!
A circle is a complete thing - it is a totality that pleases the mind and the eye.
If you need a sense of completeness, or neatness, go ahead and make a circle.
If you can, make a messy one, though!
then you can color and collage around it, and fill it in with words.
Sometimes our brains just want order.
although chaos gets us closer to our true inner selves, I also understand the need for structure on the road to chaos.
So - as a compromise, you can start with SOME order, then let the chaos dance around it.
Some balance is pleasing to the eye - and then the mind is pleased. Here I balanced the image of the flower by placing part on one side and part on the other side of the pages.
There are also map pieces here and there - if you can see them, under the color and in the circle.

controlled chaos.
make sense?

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