Quarantine Crafts Day One: sew a piece of clear, heavy vinyl to a hat. Now you’re ready to face the world! (Only for necessary trips to the grocery store, be safe!). #quarantinecrafts
Quarantine Crafts Day Two: get an old flannel sheet, scissors, and a ruler. Cut 4” x 8” rectangles. Reusable wipes! Store in a plastic container with soapy water, or leave a stack in the bathroom to use as needed. Wash double cycle on hot water and you’ll be all set. No need to hoard TP! #quaranteencrafts
Quarantine Crafts Day Three: Not Your Mother's Macrame. (Unless your mother was a hippy in the 60's and then this IS your mother's macrame.) I bet you have a stick and some string! Just cut long lengths (I did 12 feet, because I want to suffer through many snarled knotted strands.) Loop them on the stick taking care to space them evenly. (You can hang the stick with wire so you can work vertically.) After you do all this, take a break and watch a movie, because I am tired just from this much work. Tomorrow I will show you some knots I added. I am thinking a knotted border at the top, then a whale shape. I've never seen a whale in macrame, so it's time. Then another knotted border at the bottom. Maybe I will even live dangerously and add some shells!
Quarantine Crafts Day Four: Not Your Mother's Macrame Part Deux. Some progress on the macrame. I tell you, tying knots is very therapeutic. If you haven’t started, seriously go find a stick and string. And we have snow here in Colorado. So today’s an inside day. Peace and love to you all.
Quarantine Crafts Day Five: KNITTING! There a ton of great How To videos on YouTube, here’s your chance to dust off those needles and pull out the yarn. I find knitting very therapeutic, the rhythm is like a meditation.
Quarantine Crafts Day Six: FACEMASKS! Anyone with a sewing machine can try this. and if you don't know where to donate them, don't worry, we will all find out soon. Don't have any fabric? I bet you have a bag of old clothes you were going to donate.
Quarantine Crafts Day Eight: meditative cooking. What? you say. Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GptAgiAxDP4 This is an example of spending time with deep intention, enjoying each step of the work, connecting with each ingredient and absorbing it's qualities. Making the act of cooking into an art is something I don't usually take time to do, but these videos (her whole channel is fabulous, you can get lost in watching) have helped me slow down and enjoy the process. Let's bring intention to each act of the day, and make cooking an art again!
Quarantine Crafts Day Nine: go outside. Find some rocks. Make a tower. Contemplate your work and the beauty of our world. Be at peace.
Quarantine Crafts Day Ten: you know what this is. The funnest thing is seeing how it turns out. Tomorrow, come back here to see the finished product.
Quarantine Crafts Day Eleven: undoing a tie dye is like opening a present. You don’t know what you’ll get.
Quarantine Crafts Day Twelve: this is a fun one; eraser stamp carving. Using white erasers and linoleum carvers, you can make a stamp to use for cards, your journal, wrapping paper, so many uses! [If you need supplies, Michael's will let you order on line and bring your purchase out to your car.] Geometric or curvy patterns can be repeated to make decorative edges. Preview: tomorrow I’ll show you a multi-eraser carving set printed with 3 colors.
Quarantine Crafts Day Thirteen: multi-eraser carving set printed with 3 colors:
Quarantine Crafts Day Fourteen: Not Your Mother's Macrame, Part Trois: working on making a circle in my macrame. What are you working on?
Quarantine Crafts Day Fifteen: make a postcard. You can use old photos, digital images, markers, glue stick, card stock. You can even use a cereal box as the base. I know you have someone who would love to get some old fashioned snail mail from you! Bonus points if you use the eraser stamp you carved. (Did anyone try that?)