Monday, December 31, 2018

. . . listen . . .

What if for once you just listened to yourself?
What if you trusted whatever urges you were having as valid, true, and worthy?
What if you slept when you were tired, ate when you were hungry, sat by the fire and read a book all day when you needed that retreat?

What if you traveled when you were restless, and stayed put when you needed to nest?

What if you knew that your body told you the truth, and if you listened?

I am going to listen to my innermost longings and urges this year.
2019 is a good year to regroup.

I am going to clean out.
Open up.
Pay attention.
Listen to my own inner longings.

I am going to work in my journal when I need to.
and not feel guilty when I don't.

I am going to plan adventures, and enjoy the planning even if the execution does not happen.

I am going to apply for amazing house sitting jobs around the world, and not feel sad when they don't happen, because I TRUST the Universe to take me where I need to go.

I am going to look for magic, and expect to find it.

I am going to try new things.
and not make myself crazy feeling obligated to do every thing the world wants me to do.

I am going to care for my family, and urge them to learn to care for themselves.

I am going to enjoy walks.
I am going to enjoy food.
I am going to enjoy sleep.
I am going to enjoy space in my life to just sit and look at the fire.

I am going to Mexico to see whales.

Welcome, 2019!