Visual journaling gives you a chance to do other than just look at things.
It gives you a chance to make your own things, and that is so important. I can spend hours browsing the internet, maybe being injected with some inspiration, but this time is spent not creating my own work.
I challenge you to limit your looking and maximize your making.
I know I need to challenge my own self!
This last year we have dealt with a near fatal car accident and the resulting TBI of my youngest daughter. I am beyond grateful to report she is healing very well and has started back at college this semester. I can report two major and personal results:
1. An eternal and hopefully ever-lasting knowledge that life is short and precious and precarious. And that I want to live the most authentic life I can. I promised her and myself if she made it we would create the lives of our dreams, and we are working on that.
2. That it is too easy to let your time slip away, after work and taking care of the minutia of life, slipping into mindless tv watching or web surfing seems like a reasonable way to burn through time. But it is not. I will tell you honestly that I have not worked on my journal or on my art during these last ten months. I've been managing hospitals, doctor visits, and a million dollars of medical bills. (insurance payed most, thank God.) I have been gardening and knitting to relax, which I do recommend. I have been thinking about my art and my life and what I really want to do and say. I also am giving myself plenty of room and time to think and just be.
I highly recommend just being.
and visual journaling can really focus insight on that. So I hope you can just be. and think about all that you are and all that you can do and create.
In fact, I think that just being is a better use of our time than consuming.
"Mistakes are the portal to creativity." --James Joyce.