Sunday, October 28, 2012

What will you choose today?

"No matter what happens in the outer world we do have the opportunity to shift our level of consciousness. Mystics have been able to do this for thousands of years. Do you want to live from a consciousness where you feed the drama or do you want to live from a consciousness that feeds the light, love, and beauty of this world?"  --Sandra Ingerman

Friday, October 19, 2012


Today we had our monthly journaling group.
I did a little demo (very little) of zentangles, and then we worked contemplatively for an hour. It actually was quite magical.
Something about all 7 of us working with the same energy and focus seemed to multiply the effect. We all really zoned out and just emptied our brains of everything but these little amazing doodles for the whole hour. When we shared at the end of the sessions, almost everyone said the same thing, "I zoned out and it felt like a meditation, and the hour flew by."
I will show you some of these little doodle details and you'll see what I mean about becoming lost in the dots and swirls and patterns. I probably will add some words on this page.
Perhaps this whole zen/empty thing will allow me to let my pages be a bit more spare, instead of so jumbled. and for sure, a less jumbled brain would be pretty awesome, too. In fact, a less jumbled everything would be a great organizational theme I could use in my life.
Thanks, Journal!

“As elephants remember India perfectly, as mind dissolves, as song begins, as the glass fills, wind rising, a roomful of conversation, a sanctuary of prostration, a bird lights on my hand in this day born of friends, an ocean covering everything, all roads opening, a person changing to kindness. . . ” --Rumi

Monday, October 15, 2012


Sometimes being unproductive is not being unproductive at all. We need time to digest and try, time to start and stop and wander and experiment. Not all our hours result in beautiful things. But the seeds of the beautiful things are always there, in the time we spent. Allow yourself that freedom, to not make anything important today.
"I'm working on a few different stories at the moment. It's hard to tell which of them, if any, will turn into a book. If I understood about how to write books, I wouldn't have to travel down so many roads to nowhere, and I wouldn't go three or four years between novels." --John Green